Tips for Camping with an ATV or UTV

Camping with ATVs allows you to travel further faster and carry a trip-changing and luxurious amount of supplies. If you want more freedom and to get further away from civilization on your next trip, this is the way to do it. Sure, it’s doing something new and adding some extra considerations, but it’s also adding massive benefits. Read all about ATV and UTV camping here.

atv travel with dog

The Benefits of Camping with ATV or UTVs

If you’ve never tried it before, know that quad camping is a game changer.

Hauling Options

With camping, there are usually a lot of limits when it comes to storage. Not so when you’re ATV camping. The vehicle itself offers considerable extra storage, but you can also tow a trailer that could act like a small RV for one or two or carry additional supplies for a larger group.

Power Supply

Your ATV or UTV can power your devices, so you’ve got charge wherever you go.

More Seats

Your truck may only have room for two people, but UTVs can often seat 4 to 6 people. Where you might have to use multiple vehicles to bring everyone you want, with UTV camping, you might be able to carry everyone at once.

Travel Faster

You can get farther into the wilderness faster with an ATV or UTV. Spend more time where you’re heading than getting there.

atv camping crossing stream

Planning 4 Wheeler Camping Trips

Where Will You Go?

You could find an ATV camp that offers multiple trail options right there at camp. You might even be able to rent an ATV or UTV, if you or one of your party need one.

You can research various campsites and travel to one or each one individually.

You could even strike off into the wilderness and ride and camp wherever it is legal. Go on an overlanding trip!

Using a trail navigation app makes it easy to determine where you can ride.

When staying at campsites, examine their rules before committing to them. You don’t want to think you have your trip planned only to discover an unexpected hindrance at the last minute.

And finally, make sure you’re geared up properly according to the weather and terrain. For wet and mud conditions, pick up a set of membrane stockingfoot waders, wading boots and a jacket.

ATV waders are the core piece of riding gear for off-road riders
Find out the best look for you

How Long Will You Stay?

Compare where you want to go with how long you intend to vacation to make sure you can do all you want to do in that time.

You’ll need to plan your provisions too. Consider how many people you’ll have on your trip and consider how much supplies and food you need for that many people. If you’ll only be gone overnight or for the weekend, it’s much easier. If you’ll be camping with ATVs for several days or a week, you’ll have to make sure you have enough supplies and food to last days and you’ll have to replenish your supplies somewhere. This will require planned trips for returning to civilization.


Calculate how long you’ll be driving your ATV or UTV and make sure you can refuel when needed with stored gas, trips to the gas station, or both.

atv travel in mountains

ATV or SxS Camping Gear

There are many things to bring, for general camping requirements and for specific ATV and UTV needs:

  • Tent
  • Sleeping bag
  • Clothes with long sleeves and pants (2 of everything, or more for longer trips)
  • Riding gear
  • Hiking boots
  • Wading boots (if you’ll be in the water)
  • Rain gear
  • Food (Nonperishable and maybe cooler food)
  • Water
  • Cooking equipment
  • Lighter
  • Matches
  • Silverware
  • Knife
  • Camping soap
  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Chargers
  • Generators
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Screwdrivers
  • Tire plug kit
  • Zip ties
  • Duct tape
  • Spare parts like nuts, bolts, spark plugs, etc.
  • Coolant, oil, and filters
  • GPS and maps
  • Mobile phone
atv camping beautiful trails

Preparation for Camping with An ATV or UTV


Before any outing on a 4-wheeler, you should make sure it is in fit shape to tackle your adventure.

Check the coolant, oil, and tires. You should change the oil while you’re at it, particularly for longer trips. Check the belts. Look over your nuts and bolts and give them a little twist with a wrench to make sure they’re tight. You want to do all of your pre-ride maintenance and take care of any other maintenance that you maybe should already have done.


This isn’t necessary, but it can be nice. Before you go camping with an ATV/ UTV, consider if you want to make some upgrades to your vehicle to make the trip even more enjoyable. You might take this time to add a roof, walls, heat, air, more lights, or a sound system. You might want to add extra storage onto your machine before your trip.

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