How To Clean and Maintain Your ATV Utility Trailer

Keeping a utility trailer clean requires a high level of maintenance that is well worth the hard work. Now is the time to know how to clean a utility trailer and how to maintain a utility trailer as well. This maintenance won’t take a long time, but it needs to be done often in order to be pulling a shiny clean ATV trailer behind you all the time.

Yes, you even need to know how to clean an aluminum ATV trailer. Even a rust-free trailer can still be in danger from a lack of cleaning.

If you’ve already invested in a nice trailer, it’s well worth it to keep it maintained and in good shape so you don’t need to spend money on another one. An ATV utility trailer that’s taken care of can last a lifetime. Those that are neglected will surely need to be replaced.

The daily grime and dirt that the trailer picks up will not only start to damage the integrity of the trailer, it will start to damage the resale value of it as well. Anyone looking for a used trailer will ask about its maintenance history in order to know about potential rust or aluminum oxide spots.

trailer for 2 atvs 


The first step of trailer maintenance is to get all the big chunks of mud out of the way to get at all the smaller caked on grime. A good old broom will work perfectly for this, but you may also need to get in there with some gloves to pry away the giant mud globs that have collected.


Next up, get the warm water and soap out because it’s time for a hot wash. A pressure washer is a great tool for this job as it will clear away mud and grime that’s insistent on staying put.

Take care of any wooden floorboards as they can only take so much water exposure. Wash when necessary if this is your situation, but remember to still wash.

Acid (For Aluminum Trailers)

Hydrofluoric acid and heavy citrus cleaners are designed to take away aluminum oxide and heavy grime that won’t give up. These heavy duty cleaners should be reserved for the once-in-a-while deep cleans. Acid baths can be dangerous for little ones so make sure you keep pets and children out of the area when getting the trailer back in order!

Wax and Grease

Wax products can add a shine and layer of protection to the trailer that brings your trailer maintenance game to a whole new level. This is another step that doesn’t need to happen every time, as it takes a lot of work and time, but is well worth doing so occasionally.

The other final touch is greasing any hinges that you have on the trailer gate. This will help everything run smoothly so you don’t get stuck with a stuck gate.

This consistent maintenance will not only look good, it will keep your utility trailer in the family for years to come.

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