When purchasing used vehicles of any kind, people recommend checking the VIN number and history to see how the vehicle has been used and if it is stolen. This is particularly important advice when dealing with an ATV. Read this post to learn why it is crucial and how to look up ATV VIN Number for vehicle history.
Sadly, ATVs are frequently stolen. They're expensive but small machines that are harder to protect than cars, and if you purchase a stolen ATV, the police could eventually trace it and confiscate it. Though you aren't guilty of anything, you still lose your investment.
You need to be thorough in your investigation. The seller may give you a fake VIN number that was deliberately matched with a similar ATV make and model or replace a digit here or there to supply you with a VIN number, but not the correct one.
It is not uncommon for the seller to have damaged the VIN number or to hide it with aftermarket parts so you can't read it. Every single instance of coverage or damage may not be indicative of a theft, some weird things do happen, but you should be sure to get the VIN number from the seller and thoroughly check it before buying that or any ATV. Also look for other red flags indicating the seller may not be legit.
Don't take chances. It's a lot wiser, and cheaper, to wait and find a reliable seller than to take a seemingly great deal and lose the ATV.
You could just visibly inspect the VIN number, but you should ask the seller for the VIN number before looking. This gives you an excellent opportunity to see how they feel about you checking on it.
The VIN number is usually located on the bottom left side of the ATV frame, but some models of ATV vary. You could do research to find the location of the VIN number before meeting to look at the ATV to eliminate any confusion.
It can also be found on the vehicle title, registration, bill of sale, and insurance paperwork. If the seller can't show you the VIN number on the vehicle because it's covered up or damaged, they can't use that as an excuse because they should be showing you the title.
If you can see the ATV VIN number and the title, you can also determine that the two match on the spot.
There are several things you need to know that you can determine from ATV VIN history search:
People can steal ATV engines and put them in a body with a clean VIN number. While checking the ATV VIN number, check this out too.
Before purchasing a used ATV, it is a good idea to use both of the methods below.
Ask the police
You can contact your local police. If an ATV has been stolen, they should have been notified and they may have even received the VIN number. If they just received a report without a VIN number, you can still use the description to determine if it is likely your good deal is not so great after all.
Some police departments may require that you and the seller bring the ATV in to give you an answer. How the seller feels about this could be helpful in determining if you want to pursue the deal.
Use online databases
You should check at least two websites for the ATV VIN history.