How to Plan a Weekend of Off-Road Trail Riding

ATV / UTV Trail riding is exciting and can throw you off guard if you’re not well prepared. ATV / UTV Trails can be unpredictable, and you might be in unknown territory when dealing with a breakdown or injury. Being prepared is essential in giving you the best experience whilst out riding your machine.

How do you know you’re packing enough, or not too much for your ride? This guide will prepare you for what might be ahead and get you on the trails without being overloaded.

utv weekend trail riding

Carrying the Right Tools

ATV / UTV components are prone to fail at any time. If they reach the end of their life riding on a trail, you need to be prepared. Emergency repairs are required and sometimes you are so far away from a mechanic or civilization. Here are some tools that go a long way in repairing your four-wheeler.

  • Allen wrench set
  • Multi-screwdriver
  • Pliers or Vice-Grips
  • Extra nuts, and bolts and hardware

Emergency Items

Sometimes, the basics aren’t quite enough for the emergency you’re dealing with whilst out on your ride. Duct tape is great for fixing some quick repairs that are needed to get you back on the trail and to safety. Also consider these items when packing:

  • Zip ties and duct tape
  • Torch or head lamp with spare batteries
  • Tire plug or patch kit
  • Mini air compressor
  • Winch and towing straps
  • Fire-starter essentials
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Pocket knife

Spare Parts

With the right tools you might feel safe that when something happens whilst riding, you’ll be covered. However, without replacement parts you have no way of replacing something if it were to break. It’s difficult to work out how to pack the right spare parts for your machine, as you don’t know what will go wrong, some pointers here are:

  • Spare Axle
  • Extra Ball joints
  • Spare Drive belt
  • Extra fuel
  • Tie rods
  • Tire(s)

Personal Items Including Clothes

You are more important than your ATV / UTV whilst going weekend riding. Warm and secure clothing makes sure you are comfortable, personal items to keep you safe and navigation items to get you riding in the right direction.


  • Boots
  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Helmet
  • Rain suit or long pants
  • Set of waders with jacket (in case of muddy trails)
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Personal items

  • Cell phone and charger
  • Plenty of Drinking water
  • First-Aid kit
  • Sunscreen

Miscellaneous must-haves

  • Off-road GPS
  • Map and compass

Camping / Overnight Trails

When riding further away from your base, it’s important to carry the right overnight gear. This requires more planning and packing lists to keep you sheltered and safe during an off-road weekend.

  • Eco-friendly soap
  • Bug spray
  • Camping chair
  • Extra Food
  • Sleeping bag
  • Tent or tarp
  • Trash bags to ensure you aren’t littering

Upgrading your ATV / UTV adventure to a weekend off-roading trip is simple. Throwing in a tarp, sleeping bag and a few personal items into the rear of your vehicle makes sleeping under the night sky a comfortable one after a busy day riding.

Season and Location

Summer is peak trail season and ideal for weekend off-roading. A nearby trail may be already on the radar and there are plenty of trails within a day’s drive away too.

Utah is an adventurer’s dream. With the Paiute Trail and Great Western trail across mountains and deserts, locals say there is really no start or end point. 2000+ miles of marked riding trails and trips off the beaten track you can lose yourself (in a good way) in the ATV / UTV passionate towns of Marysvale, Richfield and Filmore.

West Virginia has a lot to offer. With trails everywhere, the newly opened Ivy Ridge Branch, Hatfield-McCoy trail area contains seven breathtaking regions to explore. With an agreement amongst business owners, governments, and off-road enthusiasts this part of the country is exceptional for riding.

Maine for northern trailing. Mining and logging area of the country also makes good ATV / UTV riding trails. Many thousands of miles of trails span this beautiful state, being constantly intertwined. With astounding wildlife and scenery, you will need to be prepared for an off-roading weekend.


Never head out to ATV / UTV trails without the correct equipment. Even for just a few hours, your ride could end up being dangerous and troublesome. Packing the right gear for the type of trip you are on is essential. Do not be afraid to throw extra items in, as it’s best to be overprepared than underprepared during your trip.

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